Manju Bhatta
Director, Media Services Nepal
A life-changing experience
I belong to the 11th batch of NPI trainees. Although a science graduate, I was attracted to a profession that involved writing and publishing. I still remember the pre-admission interview when I was asked why I wanted to join NPI which trained people for a different vocation. I mentioned about my father who was a medical researcher working on human ailments and trying to find an indigenous cure for cancer. I had a desire to assist him in publishing his findings through effective write-ups.
That desire led me to enroll into the NPI training.
In the end, I found it rewarding. Immediately after the graduation, I started writing on social issues that swiftly enhanced my working confidence. For example, now I can express my ideas in front of a big audience, howsoever diverse it may be, without any sense of nervousness and hesitation. NPI offered us opportunities to visit media organisations such as Nepal Television, Radio Nepal and the Gorkhapatra a as part of field works. Those occasions helped broaden our outlook as journalists.
The NPI training later encouraged me to seek a training opportunity on audio-visual media. I got a job at Worldview International Foundation (WIF) where I gained valuable experiences. Bharat Koirala’s encouragement has been equally useful. Working on a six-episode program on 94-year-old SiddhiGopal Vaidya, a renowned traditional healer, was a great experience.
Currently, I and my husband Ramesh Khadka (who is also an NPI alumni) run Media Services Nepal, which requires us to move beyond print productions. Our focus has lately been on audio-visual products. We have already made about 120 films on development themes. Some of them reached competition at international level, and thereby found global exposure.
We understand the importance of accuracy, balance and credibility, and have been adequately told about media ethics. Although our small team works on limited resources, our products are competing globally. Without NPI training, I don’t think, we would have been where we are today.