About Us

About Us

Nepal Press Institute: A pioneer of media education and services

Development of free press in the country is the prime concern of Nepal Press Institute (NPI). Its establishment more than 30 years ago was guided by the objective of providing professional services to the media industry in Nepal.


The Institute champions the cause of independent and pluralistic press. The Institute believes that independence and pluralism are preconditions for professional excellence and ethical standards of the media.


The Institute has established itself as a center of excellence for providing well-focused training and other facilities to all avenues of the Nepalese media industry. Apart from its services to the media, NPI also provides consultation services to the government and non-government organizations as and where feasible.


Side by side with its support to the media, the Institute sensitizes journalists and others on topical issues of political and social importance such as promotion of human rights and good governance, conflict mitigation, empowerment of women, marginalized communities, promotion of economic activities, and environmental protection among others.


NPI is an independent and non-profit institution registered at the Kathmandu District Office as a social service oriented non-governmental organization. It is also registered with the Ministry of Education as a training and research institution. It has close working relationship with regional and national media organizations involved in the development of mass communication.


NPI is a membership-based organization, which supports itself mainly from the fees accrued from services, membership charges, grants and donations.


The NPI central office is located in Kathmandu. It maintains two Regional Media Resource Centers (RMRCs) — in Biratnagar and Nepalgunj. Both of the centers were established in 1995. NPI also ran an RMRC in Butwal from 2003 to 2010 under the decentralization of media facilities scheme launched by the Nepal Press Institute. Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) provided substantial support for the establishment of the RMRCs.



In order to fulfill its organizational mission, the Institute moves with the following goals:

  • Promote the establishment of a National Media Training and Research Center in Nepal, capable of responding to the human resource development needs in the media sector;
  • Promote and undertake quality training and research programs in the print and audio-visual media; radio and internet services
  • Create awareness through media to improve the condition of disadvantaged, marginalized and deprived classes of the society;
  • Focus on observance of ethics and standards through training, research, publication and counseling services in journalism and mass communications;
  • Monitor and make timely upgrading in the programs to account for developments in the media;
  • Combine training activities with research, publication and audio-visual production for sale and/or use as reference material by trainees as well as practicing journalists;
  • Design and implement programs to provide developmental support to community media and participatory communication initiatives at the community level.
  • Extend support to training requirements and establishment of community-owned FM radio stations, to be run and managed by the community itself.

Contact Us

Nepal Press Institute

Kathmandu Municipality – 20,

Bhimsensthan, Kamana Plaza, kathmandu

Email Address



